Protect Our Parks Message

YOU can help Save our Parks
for our children and grandchildren.
Please SIGN to put this on the
November Ballot
This ensures the parks
are in the hands of the VOTERS

Alamedans LOVE OUR PARKS. As good stewards of our heritage, we want to retain our beautiful parks for future generations.

The people were recently successful in preserving our Mif Albright children’s golf course, preventing a developer from building 130 houses there. We learned from that struggle that our Charter is not strong enough. We must ensure that the people get to vote if the City wants to dispose of park land.

Putting this initiative on the ballot will allow the voters to decide if they or the Council should make decisions on the sale, exchange, or swap of parkland.
A group of concerned citizens, “Protect Our Alameda Parks,” is circulating this petition to modify Alameda’s City charter. The measure will remove the loophole to ensure that our precious parklands will not be sold, swapped or disposed of without a vote of the people.

To volunteer, contact Marie Kane at 410-6058

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