Author Archives: Gretchen

Blog Test Page One

ACT is working to setup a regular blog page where ACT can post items in a more timely manner.

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ACT Letter: City Council Jan. 17th 2023, Equitable Building Decarbonization Plan

Dear Mayor Ashcraft, Vice Mayor Daysog & Council Members Vella, Spencer and Jenkins: ACT has reviewed the Equitable Building Decarbonization Plan (EBDP) attached as Exhibit 1 to Item 7-B on the Jan. 17 City Council Agenda. We support incentives and … Continue reading

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ACT Summary: Equitable Building Decarbonization Plan

January 17th, 2023 City Council Agenda Item 7-B: Equitable Building Decarbonization Plan. The Equitable Building Decarbonization (EBD) is a plan to replace all gas appliances in ALL Alameda buildings by 2030, just 7 years from now.  Our reading of the … Continue reading

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Proposed Zoning Changes Threaten Development In Alameda Neighborhoods!

The Transit Overlay shown here is where a planned zoning amendment will allow unlimited density development for any parcel inside the overlay. ATTENTION ALAMEDA CITIZENS! YOU defeated Measure Z which proposed repeal of Article 26 (Measure A) Proposed rezoning will … Continue reading

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Measure Z 2.0

Measure Z 2.0 In November of 2020, Measure Z was put on the ballot by Mayor Ashcraft and Councilmembers Oddie, Knox-White and Vella with the express purpose of repealing Article 26 of the City Charter that limits maximum residential density … Continue reading

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